
Latest Mercedes-Benz News

Donald Trump Wants to Keep Mercedes-Benz Out of the U.S.

President Donald Trump wants to keep Mercedes-Benz and other German luxury car brands out of the U.S. A post he made in Twitter suggested that he is making the move to save local automakers. The report came from Fortune, citing German publication WirtschaftsWoche as a source. The story allegedly originated from unnamed diplomatic personalities. They claimed Trump told French President Emmanuel Macron that he will keep his trade policy going “until no Mercedes models rolled on Fifth Avenue in New York.” The move would likely affect other luxury vehicles as well, like Porsche and Audi. Last week, Trump already started pushing for heavy tariffs on car imports. The duties can… Continue Reading »


What Do Automakers Think of Donald Trump Presidency?

When Donald Trump was announced as the 45th President of the United States of America, there was a mix of strong emotions not only from the country that he will serve but also in the international community. So what are the thoughts of automakers like Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, BMW about the Trump presidency? Mercedes-Benz and the other huge players in the automotive world voiced out their concerns if Trump will win as president during the Handelsblatt Automotive Summit 2016 in Munich, southern Germany held on November 9, 2016. The general consensus of Mercedes, BMW and Volkswagen was the fear regarding the shift of focus of the US in its economic plans, according to Reuters.”It is to… Continue Reading »


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