2012 Migle Millia

Latest Mercedes-Benz News

Mercedes-Benz Headlines 2012 Mille Miglia

A group of 25 SLR. CLUB members, all with their precious SLR vehicles, took the road on May 16th to participate in the Mille Miglia in Rome, which covers a specified route starting from Brescia then Rome then back to the start to cover 1,000 miles (hence the name). The Mille Miglia is a traditional Italian race from way back in 1927. It was held annually until 1957 and then resurfaced in 1977. This year’s race features a parade of classic cars, a field with a total of 382 competitors—including these 25 SLR owners—that will pass through Italy’s famed cities of Bologna, Florence, and Verona. The SLR. CLUB contingent is… Continue Reading »


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